Diversity, Sensitivity
and Inclusion Training:

Promoting Anti-Discrimination and Equity in the Workplace

Diversity, Sensitivity and Inclusion Training:
Promoting Anti-Discrimination and Equity in the Workplace

This comprehensive and sensitive training program equips individuals to understand what true diversity, equity, and inclusion mean and how to transform their knowledge into actionable and impactful change.

Get Started Today!

Our Diversity, Sensitivity and Inclusion Training Concierge will guide you through the process to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Contact Melissa: at 647 341 2283 or email her at msimons@workright.ca

In this course you will learn :
  • Part 1: Definitions for frequently used terms and how to understand them in everyday life
  • Part 2: Perception and Awareness, and how this impacts behavior
  • Part 3: Language of Discrimination, and how to avoid offending others
  • Part 4: Language of Sensitivity and Respect, with scripts on what to say and not say

This course is unique, with a downloadable journal, engaging animation, true stories, and an action plan for change.

Testing and certification of completion included.


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Upskill Your Team.
Let's Talk.



249 St. Clair West 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1R3


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