Driving Through Life: Rules of the Road
Recently someone told me he learned some solid life lessons from a driver’s training program he took when he was 16 years old. Now a middle-aged man he still follows these “rules of the road” for navigating his life. They go something like this…
Look Ahead
The best way to avoid trouble and plan for success is to see the problems and opportunities ahead of us.
Is there a bully in your organization? Harmful behaviour always has a negative impact. Deal with the problems head on before they escalate into complaints, litigation, staff turnover and illness.
Are you constantly tired, overweight or sleep deprived? Look ahead. Not addressing these health issues can lead to potentially serious problems in the future.
Check Your Mirrors
Before you make a move, check what is happening all around you. Whatever you do or don’t do will have an impact on others. Be sure to consider the interests, needs, opinions and feelings of others when making your decisions. Be prepared to address or manage those once you make your plans.
Adjust your Response
If a car is rapidly overtaking you as you decide to turn into someone else’s lane, hold back, wait and move over when it’s safe. Sometimes success is all about timing. Making a move at the right time. Holding back when it is too risky in the moment.
Be Seen
We can’t assume others understand what we’re doing or why we’re doing it. Communicating with our team, family or friends helps bring everyone together around a cohesive strategy or plan.
Move Away from Things that Block Your View
Are you focused on sustaining interpersonal drama? Holding on to old yet minor infractions between co-workers, family or friends? Are you angry about a management decision that has negatively affected you, but was best for the organization? All of these internal barriers prevent you from moving forward and getting to your destination.
Rules for the road. They’re good for everyone
By Donna Marshall, M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP, CEO and Co-Founder
The best way to avoid trouble and plan for success is to see the problems and opportunities ahead of us.
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