Managing Anxiety

Managing Anxiety Series

Everyone feels anxious when faced with overwhelming situations but for most of us, managing anxiety is not easy. While some amount of anxiety is normal, anxiety becomes a problem when it impedes our ability to function in our daily lives or intrudes on our sense of self. 

Managing anxiety can be tricky because people often don’t realize what is happening and misconstrue the signs as a heart attack or feel frozen, losing perspective and problem-solving ability. Because feeling anxious is so uncomfortable, people tend to want it to just go away, but managing anxiety is key because anxiety can be a source of wisdom if properly understood.

This 3-part managing anxiety e-learning series provides the tools to manage anxiety effectively and incorporate its valuable messages to inform and improve your approach to life and work.

In the Managing Anxiety Series, you will become adept at:

  • Part 1: Understanding Anxiety
  • Part 2: Managing Anxiety
  • Part 3: Helping Others Who Have Anxiety

Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Bot, C. Psych., Psychoanalyst

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Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1R3


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