Compliance Certification

Ontario employers with 5 or more employees are required to train all workers in OHSA & AODA.

We support small to medium businesses with affordable, engaging, mandatory compliance certification to protect your organization from risk.

Workright’s E-Learning Compliance Certification Training
is developed by Licensed Professionals.

OHSA & AODA Compliance Certification Packages
to Fit Your Organization’s Needs

Compliance Certification Package (Ontario)

Compliance Certification Package (Ontario)

More than 250,000 users have turned to Workright for their compliance training needs. Our unique approach engages learners through human interest stories, clear explanations, and interactive experiences and provides resources to support organizations in the implementation of the legislation.

It incorporates workplace best practices, universal psychological principles for change, legal consultation and health and safety standards—all in a modern interactive format.


This Compliance package includes the following courses:

  1.  OHSA: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace (Bill 168/132)
    • Overview of Legislation
    • Employee Training
    • Leader Training
  2. OHSA: Employee and Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness Training
  3. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
Duration: 3h 13m

Don’t Need a Complete Certification Program?
Assign These Micro-Certificate Courses Instead.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) has been amended to expand the definition of harassment (Bill 132) and increase the responsibilities of employers to ensure psychological health and safety to employees regarding harassment and sexual harassment.

In Part 1 of this interactive seminar employees will learn about the new legislation.

In Part 2 they will understand how their leader and employer are required to respond to complaints if they experience harassment (including sexual harassment).


OHSA Harassment Training for Leaders

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) has been amended to expand the definition of harassment (Bill 132) and increase the responsibilities of employers to ensure psychological health and safety to employees regarding harassment and sexual harassment.

Leaders have serious new responsibilities under the legislation.

In Part 1 of this interactive seminar leaders will learn about the new legislation.

In Part 2 they will understand their expanded responsibilities and the obligations of their employer should an employee report harassment, including sexual harassment.

Duration: 45m

OHSA: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Training  (Bill 168 and 132) Training for Employees and Leaders
OHSA: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Training  (Bill 168 and 132) Training for Employees and Leaders

OHSA: Health and Safety Awareness Training for Supervisors and Employers

Supervisors and Ontario Employers are required to implement the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) in their organization. This course outlines what Employers are required to do in order to ensure a physically safe and healthy workplace. Supervisors/Leaders are trained on how to implement these mandated requirements with the staff who report to them. This training meets the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL).

It tracks employee course completion and understanding, providing a Certificate of Completion to each learner. The Employer has a record of training should the MOL require evidence of compliance. All Supervisors/Leaders must also complete the course on Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers.

Duration: 29m

OHSA: Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires Ontario employers to provide all their workers with training on how to ensure physical safety in their workplace. This course meets Ministry of Labour (MOL) requirements and tracks successful completion and understanding of the content. A certificate of completion is provided to each learner so that Employers can provide a record, should the MOL require evidence of this compliance training.

Duration: 29m

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires all Ontario employers to train their employees on the requirements of the AODA.

In this online compliance training, participants will:

  1. Understand the Ontario Human Rights (OHRC) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and how they work together.
  2. Learn the Integrated Accessibility Standards for Ontario Workplaces.
  3. Understand the Customer Service Standard and how to implement it.

Duration: 45m

AODA Compliance

To explore additional Micro-Certification Courses

→ Click Here

“I was pleased to come across the Workright platform after searching for compliance training that could be rolled out to all employees in our organization. I found the training to be engaging and informative, the platform was also easy to administer.
As a smaller organization, Workright fit our compliance training needs perfectly.”

Andrea Bailey

CHRL, ISA Cybersecurity

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249 St. Clair West 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1R3


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