Workplace Mental Health and
Psychological Safety Certification Program
Become a leader in Workplace Mental Health
With the prevalence and impact of mental health issues in the workplace today, managing mental health challenges and fostering psychological safety is essential to the success of HR professionals committed to employee well being and organizational excellence.
This 10-part interactive E-Learning Certificate Program developed by psychologists, mental health, business, and legal experts equips HR with the knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies to become leaders in preventing, managing, and responding to the complexities of workplace mental health and psychological safety.
Why Enroll?
The stakes have never been higher. Mental health issues affect 1 in 5 adults, leading to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism not to mention all the challenges HR professionals encounter addressing these issues. From stigma to accommodations, responding to employee needs while considering the best interests of the business, HR professionals are often caught between the conflicting bottom line demands of stakeholders and the needs of employees with respect to their mental wellbeing and psychological safety. Organizations that prioritize mental health see a significant ROI, including improved morale, reduced turnover, and enhanced employee engagement. This program is your gateway to implementing best practices and meaningful solutions to champion workplace mental health.
What You’ll Learn to…
- Understand Mental Health Issues: Gain foundational knowledge of mental health disorders, their prevalence in the workplace, their impact on employee relations and performance as well as tips and strategies on how to communicate with and manage employees that present with these issues. In this module, you will also learn how to address stigma around mental health issues as well as the intersection of mental health issues with diversity and inclusion.
- Conduct a Risk Assessment: Learn how to assess your workplace’s vulnerabilities to the impact of employee mental health issues and how to counter areas identified as risk to employee wellbeing, psychological safety, liability, and organizational success.
- Enhance Psychological Safety: Organizations cannot affect what happens outside of the workplace that negatively influences mental health, but they can foster interpersonal safety and psychological wellbeing within by implementing proven methods to prevent and manage bullying and harassment, workplace stress, and conflict. Creating a supportive and safe workplace contributes to better wellbeing in employees who otherwise may be prone to psychological suffering. With the right ingredients, work can become a positive environment offering healthy distraction from other stressors of daily life. Our innovative approach to creating psychological safety in workplaces is a hallmark of this program and empowers HR professionals to have meaningful impact on their work cultures.
- Implement Interventions: This 10-part program also includes modules on identifying and managing addictions in the workplace, how to promote employee mental health, managing trauma and critical incidents, psychologically sound approaches for addressing organizational change, compliance and legal issues as well implement best practices in stress management and mindfulness at work.
- Create an Action Plan: The final module facilitates the learner in customizing an effective action plan to address unique needs of a specific organization utilizing the tools, strategies, and principles taught in the program. The action plan will equip participants to have significant impact on the mental health and psychological safety of an organization upon completion of the certificate.
Who Should Enroll?
This program is designed for HR professionals interested in cultivating a mentally healthy and psychologically safe workplace. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or new to the field, you’ll increase your understanding and build actionable strategies to implement immediately and effect lasting change.
Enroll Now
Join Workright in our mission to enhance workplace mental health. By prioritizing mental health and psychological safety, you’re not just affecting employee well-being, you’re driving productivity and innovation within your organization. You are developing the skills and tools to change lives and workplaces for the better.
Become a leader in workplace mental health today.