Best Practices for
Stress Management & Mindfulness at Work

Best Practices for Stress Management & Mindfulness at Work

While we may not be able to change many of the situations in our lives, we can control how we perceive, experience and manage them. In this informative, practical course developed by a psychologist and expert in stress management and mindfulness, you will come to understand yourself better and build skills that will help you live and work in a more mindful way, incorporating stress management techniques.

In this interactive, engaging course that includes a mindfulness meditation exercise you can participate in, you will learn to recognize the stressors that impact your life and work as well as how to use stress management and mindfulness best practices to lead a more balanced and contented life.

In Best Practices for Stress Management & Mindfulness at Work, you be guided to:


  • Understand stress and its impact on you and others in the workplace
  • Use mindfulness to noticeably reduce stress in your everyday work life
  • Slow down and experience the steps of mindfulness meditation
  • Become familiar with mindfulness tools and books for further support

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Best Practices for Stress Management & Mindfulness at Work - Workright

In this interactive, Stress Management & Mindfulness at work course, you will learn to recognize the stressors that impact your life and work.

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Course Provider Name: Workright

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