Workplace Mental Health
& Psychological Safety
Online Training

Easy access to online certificate programs and courses developed by mental health experts

Online Certificate Programs for HR Professionals and Business Leaders

8 CPD Credits HRPA

Online Training in Workplace Mental Health & Psychological Safety

This 10-part Certificate Program is developed by leading psychologists and mental health professionals Dr. Stephanie Bot and Donna Marshall MA, RP, so you know you are receiving the most up-to-date and clinically sound information on the market today.

The interactive modules explain the many aspects related to workplace mental health and clinicians provide clear guidance on how to optimally address these delicate and complex issues within a work setting. Testing and Certification ensure knowledge transfer. Bulk rates are available.

Create a psychologically safe workplace where employee mental health is a high priority.

The interactive modules explain the many aspects of workplace mental health and clinicians provide clear guidance on how to optimally address these delicate and complex issues in a work setting.

Duration: 8h 12m

Curriculum Structure

Module 1

An Introduction to Mental Health and Psychological Safety at Work

Module 2

Assess risks and Vulnerabilities to Mental Health

Module 3

Understanding Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

Module 4

Supporting Employee Mental Health:
A Program for Managers

Module 5

Identifying and Managing Addictions in the Workplace

Module 6

Principles of Prevention: A New Model to Promote Psychological Safety

Module 7

Managing Change: Principles and Best Practices

Module 8

Management of Trauma and Critical Incidents in the Workplace

Module 9

Best Practices for Stress Management & Mindfulness in the Workplace

Module 10

Action Plan for Implementing
Mental Health and Psychological Safety in Your Workplace

Get Started Today!

Our Workplace Mental Health & Psychological Safety Account Manager will guide you through the process to ensure your complete satisfaction.

15 + 1 =

Endorsed by

Excellence Canada
Tom Beegan

The National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace sets the guidelines for promoting mental health and preventing psychological injury at work.
We can help you meet and even surpass those standards.

Workright’s Workplace Mental Health & Psychological Safety Online Certificate Program Features:

  • Developed by psychologists who understand workplace and life stressors
  • Equips employers to confidently manage the mental health challenges of their employees in an effective and compassionate way following approved psychological and legal standards
  • Provides you with an HRPA-accredited Cerificate in Managing Workplace Mental Health. 

Your Course Authors

Workright Ltd. stands as a distinguished provider of premium online certificate programs and courses.
With over two decades of extensive clinical and corporate expertise in the realms of Mental Health, Soft Skills, OHSA & AODA Compliance
and Workplace Harassment Prevention, they emerge as prominent thought leaders in the industry.

Dr. Stephanie Bot

Dr. Stephanie Bot

C. Psych., Psychoanalyst
President and Co-Founder

Dr. Stephanie Bot is a licensed psychologist, Chief Psychologist at the Forest Hill Centre and co-founder of Workright Ltd.

Dr. Bot brings 20 years of clinical experience, business consulting, research and curriculum development to understanding and addressing mental health issues in the workplace and in individuals.

Along with her business partner, registered psychotherapist Donna Marshall, she conceived and developed the Harassment Education Advisory Response Program (HEART), that is implemented in over 1,200 workplaces globally. Together Dr. Bot and Ms. Marshall built over 100 certificate eLearning courses and programs that specialize in mental health, relationship management, communication skills, soft skills and legislative compliance. Their unique training approach is built on a firm psychological foundation that promotes optimal learning and change.

Dr. Bot conceived, developed and implemented the 3-year psychotherapy program and free community mental health clinic in Toronto that has been approved by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.

She is a published author, featured speaker and lecturer who has presented her innovative approach to harassment and mental health in the workplace

Donna Marshall

M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP
CEO and Co-Founder

Donna Marshall is a thought leader, professional speaker, lecturer, curriculum developer, and writer specializing in mental health, harassment, psychological safety, and interpersonal skills training.

Along with Dr. Stephanie Bot, she developed the groundbreaking Harassment Education Advisory Team program to manage and prevent harassment in the workplace. She wrote and facilitated leadership curricula for the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and has appeared numerous times on a CBC television affiliate as a specialist in bullying and harassment.

Donna acted as Chair of the Human Resource Professionals Association (HRPA) Toronto Committee on Leadership, spearheading a province-wide assessment of HR Leaders and contributing to developing a curriculum of programs in response to the results. 

Her articles on bullying and harassment in the workplace are published in HR Professional magazine. She has presented at the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Lancaster House, legal and HRPA conferences, Health and Safety forums, and other notable national and international conventions.

Donna regularly consults and advises organizations on how to develop and implement programs on mental health and psychological safety in the workplace. As a mental health clinician in private practice, she also treats clients on an individual basis.

“Wow! The Mental Health and Psychological Safety Certificate Course is phenomenal. I am loving every bit of it and the learning is so valuable.

I am delighted to be learning from both of you. The course is exhilarating and refreshingly informative and very relevant to current workplace experiences.”

Patricia Koine

“Workright has an incredible approach to building a respectful workplace.”

Ruth Estwick, HR Manager

“The workplace mental wellness courses are informative, engaging, and practical. If you’re looking to improve your current programs or create new ones, this is a great way to get started.”

“This program provided a framework to implement a program at any workplace and provided real background information.”

HR Manager

“The information and content are invaluble to organizations wanting to move forward with mental wellness. Highly recommend this to anyone who wants to improve and support mentally healthy workplaces.”

HR Manager 

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Workplace Mental Health and Psychological Certificate Porgram


249 St. Clair West 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1R3


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