Would You Work With You?

Take this quiz to find out.

We all have our blind spots when it comes to self-awareness. Recently a client shared his struggles with a boss who consistently exhibits traits that are causing my client to consider getting a new job.

Likely the boss has no idea how they are coming across and the impact on others. However, this lack of self-awareness is problematic and has a considerable impact on the success of people and the organization.

Take this Soft Skills Quiz to find out if your self-awareness blind spots are driving others away thus impacting productivity, engagement, happiness, and success (at work and in your personal life).

Check the attributes that apply to you.

Do you:

  • Take credit for others’ work?
    This shows others you lack integrity and they will become self-protective
  • Frequently come unprepared for tasks or meetings?
    This shows a lack of responsibility, forethought, and consideration for others
  • Place frequent demands on your employer/others? Have unreasonable expectations?
    This shows a lack of perspective, empathy, and understanding
  • Often not meet your deliverables, then make excuses?
    This shows a lack of initiative, personal responsibility, and accountability
  • Dominate conversations?
    This bores others and closes them down
  • Fail to listen openly and respectfully to others’ opinions, thoughts, and ideas?
    They will stop talking with you openly
  • Get defensive when given feedback?
    This tells others they cannot talk to you honestly, and they will eventually give up
  • Consistently reply to requests or communication in a curt, arrogant, and/or aggressive fashion.
    People will not want to relate to you and will avoid you or leave.
  • Micro-manage and try to control others?
    People will respond to you with aggression, resistance, false compliance, or passive-aggressiveness – and eventually leave
  • Fail to follow through on commitments to others/the organization?
    People will lose trust in you

If you want to become a more effective person, pick one area you identified in this quiz and get some coaching or training to help you upskill your communication skills and improve your personal brand and relationships. You’ll be glad you did – and so will others.

By Donna Marshall, M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP CEO and Co-Founder

Endorsed by

Excellence Canada
Tom Beegan
Donna Marshall

Donna Marshall
M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP
CEO and Co-Founder

Dr. Stephanie Bot

Dr. Stephanie Bot,
C. Psych., Psychoanalyst
President and Co-Founder

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