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Workplace Wisdom

Workplace Mental Health Certification | OHSA & AODA Compliance Training Ontario  |  Diversity Equity & Inclusion Training

A Path to Stillness


The word I want to use to guide my next chapter in life.
The place where one can find space to
explore, reflect and gently correct
the parts of themselves that are not in their service. 



In my private practice and in my life I have seen too many human doings and not enough human beings. So many people feel they need to be busy, productive, distracted and stimulated in order to cope with a day, an hour or a moment. I believe meditation has become popular because we now need guidance on how to just be…what does that even mean?

How many of you pause to think about when you took your last thoughtful breath? Our minds are overstimulated by all the pop ups we’ve made important. What to buy, what to do, what to make, what to see…. This isn’t freedom. We are held hostage by meaningless noise in our minds and in the world. Anxiety rules and seeks relief in any form it can find. Did you know you likely have an addiction? There may be something in your life that you turn to, that you make a priority, that helps you avoid the stillness.

When we can tolerate stillness, we can breathe and we can learn from the depths of ourselves what we really yearn for. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has a wise a saying:

“You can’t heal what you can’t feel.”

In stillness we can find courage to feel. As human doings we feel little and as human beings we feel the wind, the rain, the sun, the pain, the air, the love, the longing, the hope, the loss, and only in that space will we notice the wind and wildflowers.

A Path to Stillness…

Stillness before I react
Stillness before I do anything
Stillness before I go anywhere
Stillness before I speak
Stillness before I decide
Stillness before I sleep
Stillness after I wake
Stillness when I hurt
Stillness when I want to run
Stillness when I want to scream
Stillness when someone is cruel to me
Stillness when I remember
Stillness when I forget
Stillness so I can dream

By Dr. Stephanie Bot, C. Psych., Psychoanalyst, President and Co-Founder


Workright offers two Mindfulness and Meditation courses
to help you on your path to stillness.

To support you in leading your team to experience greater mindfulness in your workplace,
we recommend you get certified in Workright’s Mental Health Certificate Program,
and earn 8 HRPA professional development credits.


HRPA 8 CPD Credit


Learn More

Endorsed by

Excellence Canada
Tom Beegan
Donna Marshall

Donna Marshall
M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP
CEO and Co-Founder

Dr. Stephanie Bot

Dr. Stephanie Bot,
C. Psych., Psychoanalyst
President and Co-Founder

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Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1R3


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