Workright Canada

Workplace Wisdom

Dr. Stephanie Bot, C. Psych., Psychoanalyst, President and Co-Founder
and Donna Marshall, M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP, CEO and Co-Founder

The Importance of Empathy-Driven
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Training

DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

Memoirist, Poet, and Civil Rights Activist

Most workplaces focus on the do’s and don’ts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training. While this is an essential component of what HR and Leaders must address to ensure basic standards of workplace practices and conduct, it does not elicit meaningful change in employee attitudes and behaviour. Impactful DEI training speaks to the hearts of employees and challenges and inspires them to reflect and revise their ways of thinking and being, ultimately enhancing work culture.

Discrimination, for example, is most often driven by people who elevate themselves by diminishing others. It results in the targeting of people who seem weaker, more vulnerable, or who represent differences that trouble, challenge or threaten us.

Unfortunately, when people engage in these behaviours, they have the unconscious notion that their ideas and actions validate their own way of being, and instill a misguided sense of power or superiority over others. Ironically, it accomplishes just the opposite and leads to the belittlement of oneself.

Impactful DEI training encourages people to look inside themselves, and examine what discriminatory thoughts they hold towards others, whoever those “others” may be.

As a starting place take a moment to reflect and ask yourself, “What prejudices do I have?” If you say none, you’re not being honest. Everyone has them because everyone has a story where they learn what makes others different and what makes them the same. It is our collective experience as human beings that creates a common space to understand, relate, and empathize with each other.

Take a few moments to consider the following questions for yourself.

  • When you were growing up, what biases, attitudes, and/or opinions did your parents or caregivers have about “others”?
  • How did they express or demonstrate these perspectives, through words or actions?
  • What biases, attitudes and/or opinions do you notice in yourself that you carry with you today from these early messages?

What did you learn about yourself by examining these questions? Is there anything you would like to adjust in your thoughts, words, or behaviour as a result of this self-reflection?

Everyone has biases, based on many factors such as culture, religion, social influences, education, family background and dynamics, age, gender, personal or family history, life experiences, etc. These biases focus on what makes us different instead of what connects us as human beings, which creates the foundation for empathy.

It is through empathy that we can revisit our perspectives and insert compassion, to drive a different way of relating to people who challenge our sense of comfort, right and wrong, and normalcy.

DEI training needs to push people who do not manage themselves in this empathic way, to consider silence before making a joke, derogatory comment, or worse, that cannot be taken back, and in that space consider the following:

  • Who do I want to be?
  • What legacy do I want to leave in each person I meet?

This article is informed by Workright’s course



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Endorsed by

Excellence Canada
Tom Beegan
Donna Marshall

Donna Marshall
M.A., Counselling Psychology, RP
CEO and Co-Founder

Dr. Stephanie Bot

Dr. Stephanie Bot,
C. Psych., Psychoanalyst
President and Co-Founder

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